[Qgis-user] Cartography of the Azores

Andrew Harfoot ajph at geodata.soton.ac.uk
Mon Mar 13 06:05:35 PDT 2017

Hi Sarah,

I've used Maperitive (http://maperitive.net/) in similar situations to 
download OpenStreetMap map tiles and store them in a local MBTiles 
database, from where QGIS can load them very quickly!

Rough steps are:

1. Decide on your web mapping
2. Set the bounds using UI, or running this command (edit min/max Lat/Lon):

     set-geo-bounds 96.1,19.2,97.7,22.4

3. Export to MBTiles (edit min/max zoom and path):

     generate-mbtiles minzoom=5 maxzoom=14 file="C:/Projects/Test/Southampton.mbtiles"

4. Load the MBTiles file into QGIS!

This still requires an internet connection to download the data, but the 
process can be left running overnight etc.



On 12/03/2017 12:28, Sarah Gregg wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm working on a project based in the Azores and wondered 
> if anyone knew of any reasonably good free topographic base maps I can 
> download, strictly for non commercial purposes. At the moment, I'm 
> trying to use the OpenLayers plugin, but I have a VERY slow internet 
> connection which makes OpenLayers or WMS frustratingly slow to load. 
> Thanks in advance for any ideas, Sarah.
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Andy Harfoot

GeoData Institute
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Tel:  +44 (0)23 8059 2719


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