[Qgis-user] Retrieve Postgis user from connection string

Rossin Pietro pietro.rossin at arpa.fvg.it
Tue Mar 21 09:15:50 PDT 2017

In qgis 2.18 is there some way to automatically get the user name used to load a postgis layer?
I need it to populate a table field qgis side, not postgis side (I know I can do the latest using a trigger).

On Postgis I use

IF NEW.user_inser is NULL or NEW.user_inser = '' then NEW.user_inser = (select current_user);
IF NEW.user_modif is NULL or NEW.user_modif = '' then NEW.user_modif = (select current_user);
NEW.data_inser = current_timestamp;
NEW.data_modif = current_timestamp;

To trap a user who is inserting a new feature and set both insertion and modification user/data

Then If I want to get a user/data that updates a record, how can I do?
I mean as a user insert a feature or that feature is updated then next time I can't use

IF NEW.user_modif is NULL or NEW.user_modif = '' then NEW.user_modif = (select current_user);

And as I load this layer in legend Qgis doesn't change user_modif field.
So I'm searching a way to let Qgis change authomatically user_modif field on edit session

I tried to load a query like

select row_number() over(), current_user::text as user

To get the user of a given connection and it performs well but then How can I insert user value in user_modif field?

Any other better way??

Pietro Rossin

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