[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.18.2 Crashes often on Mac (Yosemite 10.10.5)

NPE NewPathEconometrics newpatheconometrics at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 09:39:02 PDT 2017

I upgraded from an earlier version of QGIS on my Mac, and have noticed that
QGIS crashes frequently now. I haven't pinned down the exact work flow that
causes this, but it seems to happen when I'm zooming or panning a map I've
made that includes large numbers of polys, and my layer comes from my
PostGIS database connection.

I'm doing a lot of work with lots/parcels, and streets, using data I
obtained from my county (Seattle, King County), and some of the layers I
load have thousands of polys.

I installed QGIS 2.18.2 from here : http://www.kyngchaos.com/software/qgis.

I did note this warning there:  *WARNING: QGIS will crash if Qt4 developer
components are installed in the standard /Developer location. Either rename
/Developer/Applications/Qt/Plugins or uninstall Qt before running QGIS.*

I don't have Qt4 developer installed there, but I'm wondering why QGIS is
crashing so often, and this warning is the best clue I have.

I did put a post on Stack Exchange over a week ago, with some of the crash
No responses from that post.

Any suggestions of how to troubleshoot this? I'm saving my work every 30
minutes now, to a new project each time, so that I can recover from these
frequent crashes.

I did notice when looking at kyngchaos aging today that the version there
is 2.18.2-1, while QGIS on my system reports 2.18.2, is 2.18.2-1 actually a
newer version? Or is the -1 assumed when QGIS displays my version as 2.18.2

Searching with Google, I have seen a few reports of QGIS crashing on Macs,
but I have not yet seen any solution. I don't have another computer to try
this one, and nothing else on my Mac is crashing. Just QGIS.

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