[Qgis-user] QGIS X3D processing

Andreas Plesch andreasplesch at netscape.net
Sat Mar 25 16:27:01 PDT 2017

I would like to share a project for 3d visualization of Qgis content by
utilizing a not very well known ISO standard, the X3D geospatial component
as openly available in the x3dom implementation (http://x3dom.org). As a
first tangible result of this effort, it becomes possible to generate an
interactive 3d model of a DEM on a web page. Here is an example:


This page is directly generated from a DEM raster layer by running a new
processing model. The project uses exclusively the processing framework and
sofar consists of a number of foundational scripts and models. All code and
more examples are available on github:


Use the provided instruction if you feel adventurous
This effort is similar to QGIS2Threejs but is just starting out and will
use quite a different approach.

Any comment, feedback or thought is welcome,

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