[Qgis-user] QGIS logo material & visual style guide

Frank Sokolic sokolic at worldonline.co.za
Sun Mar 26 05:42:02 PDT 2017

Hi Anita, 

Can we start using the new logo immediately or should we wait until QGIS 3.0 is released? 

Regards, Frank 

From: "Anita Graser" <anitagraser at gmx.at> 
To: "qgis-user" <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 25 March, 2017 22:52:08 
Subject: [Qgis-user] QGIS logo material & visual style guide 

Dear QGIS community, 

As you've surely noticed, we've been working hard on a new logo for QGIS: http://blog.qgis.org/2017/01/08/qgis-3-0-logo-voting-results/ 

All new logo materials are now published in a handy visual style guide that provides images and color codes for you to use: http://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/styleguide.html 

If you run a user group or create any materials for QGIS-related activities, please consider using the guidance in this visual style guide. 

We will be rolling out the new logo in the months leading up to the QGIS 3.0 release and we are still looking for volunteers to share the effort. If you are interested in helping with, for example, a new poster, sticker, brochure, or letterhead design, please get in touch. 

Best wishes, 

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