[Qgis-user] Adding some unknown projections to Qgis

Walter Nordmann wnordmann at gmx.de
Mon May 1 07:03:32 PDT 2017


i'm trying to display some country boundaries with Qgis. Source is 
OpenStreetMap Database.

e.g. Russia using EPSG:3857 

Postgis got an internal function _ST_BestSRID(geom) which returns 999061 
as best srid.

|select _ST_bestSRID((select way from planet_osm_polygon where 
osm_id=-60189)); |

|_st_bestsrid -------------- 999061 Question: How can i add this (or 
other) projection to Qgis? Regards walter just for fun i tried |IAU2000:99918 which results in https://wambachers-osm.website/images/osm/snaps_2017/rus_99918.png

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