[Qgis-user] QGIS web client & Joins

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Fri May 5 03:58:30 PDT 2017

Hi Julian, 

I am really puzzled. So you say that QGIS as the WMS shows all
attributes, including the joined ones? And it does not work on Web

If this is the case - can you please share the address of this QGIS
server and tell me which attributes are joined? 

QGIS web client is simply an extended WMS client. It doesn't know and
care about joins. When they appear in a GetFeatureInfo Request (or WFS)
they should also work in QGIS web client. 

If this fails in QGIS web client I it will most likely also fail in web
client II. 


On 2017-05-05 11:25, Julian Bogdani wrote:

> Thank you, 
> Actually the was is working correctly and all attributes are available, both shape file attributes and joined ones. 
> It seems then it is a qgs web client problem. 
> Probably I should upgrade to the II version... 
> Any hint? 
> ----- 
> BraDypUS 
> Communicating Cultural Heritage 
> http://bradypus.net 
> info at bradypus.net 
> bradypus at pec.it 
> On 5 May 2017, at 10:37, Neumann, Andreas <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote: 
> Hi Julian, 
> The QGIS bug/issue system was recently migrated. If it was an issue on QGIS web client I, it was removed. QGIS web client I is not being worked on any more. It is succeeded by QGIS web client II and the issue queue of that is at https://github.com/qgis/qwc2-demo-app/issues 
> Andreas 
> On 2017-05-05 10:30, BraDypUS. Communicating Cultural Heritage wrote: 
> Yes, I had a preview of the issue in Google, but the ussue itself has been (re)moved. 
> I'll check bettee the wms service. 
> Thank you 
> Il 05 Mag 2017 10:26 AM, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net> ha scritto:
> Hi Julian, 
> The issue you mention doesn't exist. 
> I doubt that this is a QGIS web client issue. Did you test with QGIS as WMS client? Does it work there? 
> If it doesn't work there either, than this is can most likely be a "path-issue" (absolute vs. relativ paths) or a QGIS server issue.  
> Andreas 
> On 2017-05-05 08:53, Julian Bogdani wrote: 
> Hello,
> I'm having an issue with joins in a webGIS project using Qgis as a map server and Qgis web client.
> I have an external table (sqlite) correctly joined to a shape file on my desktop project, but the joined attributes do not show on the web project. I thought the sqlite could be the problem so I tried with CSV and DBF, so I guess it's not a file type problem.
> Are joins supported? I did not find any docs on this. I see somebody else had this problem before, but the qgis issue had been moved (https://hub.qgis.org/issues/5324 [1])..
> Thank you
> -----
> Julian Bogdani
> jbogdani at gmail.com
> http://bradypus.net [2]
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[1] https://hub.qgis.org/issues/5324
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