[Qgis-user] GRASS support lost (again)

Claas Leiner claas.leiner at gkg-kassel.de
Sun May 14 13:07:50 PDT 2017

I suspect there is a conflict with the package dependencies of ubuntugis.
If GRASS 7.2.1 is installed,  libgdal-grass 2.1.3 will be uninstalled. 
There ist a is dependence between libgdal-grass 2.1.3  and  the grass720 
This would have to change by the Ubuntu package builders.

Best regards,


GKG-Kassel - Dr.-Ing. Claas Leiner
QGIS-Support und mehr

Geodatenservice, Kartenwerkstatt &
GIS-Schule Kassel

Wilhelmshöher Allee 304 E
34131 Kassel
Tel. 0561/56013445
claas.leiner at gkg-kassel.de
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