[Qgis-user] wkt

Michael.Dodd michael.dodd at open.ac.uk
Thu Oct 26 07:49:17 PDT 2017

I have 1000+ geometries as shown below and need to find the area of each, some of them have more than one chunk to the polygon. The format is not wkt format but is probably convertable.  Is there a way to get these into qgis and do the area calculations?

1  {"circles":[],"polygons":[[[61.438,-0.461],[57.491,-9.645],[55.00,-9.689],[54.6983,-11.579],[50.985177,-11.53],[51.06809,-6.56982],[49.0944,-6.56],[50.0914,-1.73],[50.48454,1.076],[52.90801,2.878]]],"rectangles":[]}

4  {"circles":[],"polygons":[],"rectangles":[[[51.0951,0.03457],[51.094,0.033871]]]}
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