[Qgis-user] Building QGIS >= 2.18.12 on Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya - with Oracle provider?

Patrick Dunford blackwhitekez at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 21:20:59 PDT 2017

Off memory I had a similar issue building 2.18 on Ubuntu 17.04, and it 
started up but wouldn't load PyQt or something like that. Building some 
masters on Debian 9 was more reliable, but it will still say something 
is missing on startup (osgeo or something, whatever that is).

On 20/09/17 00:04, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Not sure what exactly is going wrong when it freezes.
> But since it happens at 99% it's possible that all the important parts
> are already there and you are already able to start QGIS. Go to the
> build directory and type
>    ./output/bin/qgis
> It's possible that this just works.
> Good luck,
> Matthias
> On 09/19/2017 12:17 PM, Greg Stef wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> This is my 1st post and I am not sure if it should be short or more
>> detailed. I have posted a question to Stackexchange
>> (https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/255565/building-qgis-2-18-12-on-linux-mint-18-2-sonya-with-oracle-provider),
>> with no answers so far, so I'll provide the most essential details here,
>> unless told otherwise.
>> I was trying to build QGIS on Linux Mint 18.2 (Sonya), in order to have
>> the Oracle provider - my setup is at the end of this message.
>> I tried to follow the instructions in
>> https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.github.com/qgis/QGIS/master/doc/INSTALL.html#toc11
>> , specifically 3.1 - 3.7 (3.8 seems to be a separate process, which I
>> also tried and failed) - in 3.3 I used the build dependencies for xenial.
>> Since this official guide doesn't mention Oracle at all (as if nobody
>> uses it!),  I searched and tried to use a process like
>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-developer/2014-August/034230.html. My
>> command was:
>> -DOCI_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/ME/instantclient_12_2/sdk/include
>> -DOCI_LIBRARY=/home/ME/instantclient_12_2/libclntsh.so.12.1 ..
>> |
>> |make -j|8
>> It failed (my 1st attempt in compiling, too).
>> Before going around asking questions, I thought it prudent to assure the
>> basics, so I tried to build the 'vanilla way', i.e. from the source as I
>> download it, without Oracle, without any changes in the process. I made
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH null and issued:
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ME/apps/qgis/master ..|
>> |make -j|8
>> After about 15',  I got:
>> ...
>>      [ 99%] Building CXX object
>> src/plugins/grass/7/CMakeFiles/grassplugin7.dir/__/qtermwidget/moc_kptyprocess.cpp.o
>>      [ 99%] Building CXX object
>> src/plugins/grass/7/CMakeFiles/grassplugin7.dir/__/qtermwidget/moc_qtermwidget.cpp.o
>>      [ 99%] Building CXX object
>> src/plugins/grass/7/CMakeFiles/grassplugin7.dir/qrc_qgsgrass_plugin.cpp.o
>>      Scanning dependencies of target translations
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_ar.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_bg.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_bs.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_ca.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_cs.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_da.qm
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_de.qm
>>      [ 99%] Linking CXX shared module
>> ../../../../output/lib/qgis/plugins/libgrassplugin7.so
>>      [ 99%] Built target grassplugin7
>>      [ 99%] Generating ../output/i18n/qgis_el.qm
>> where it remained frozen, with 100% cpu, for > 20h.
>> Next day, whet I interrupted the process, I got
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:97: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_ar.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_ar.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:105: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_bs.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_bs.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:109: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_ca.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_ca.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:117: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_da.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_da.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:121: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_de.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_de.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:125: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_el.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_el.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:113: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_cs.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_cs.qm] Interrupt
>> i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/build.make:101: recipe for target
>> 'output/i18n/qgis_bg.qm' failed
>> make[2]: *** [output/i18n/qgis_bg.qm] Interrupt
>> CMakeFiles/Makefile2:4155: recipe for target
>> 'i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/all' failed
>> make[1]: *** [i18n/CMakeFiles/translations.dir/all] Interrupt
>> Makefile:160: recipe for target 'all' failed
>> make: *** [all] Interrupt
>> I find it *very* frustrating (to put it mildly) that a gis user who
>> chose Linux as his OS,  must go through all these hoops to get Oracle
>> support - or switch to Windoze.
>> My last hope is to all you out there.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Greg
>> My setup:
>> |uname -a Linux GIS81 4.10.0-33-generic #37~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 11
>> 14:07:24 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux lsb_release -a No LSB
>> modules are available. Distributor ID: LinuxMint Description: Linux Mint
>> 18.2 Sonya Release: 18.2 Codename: sonya|
>> /home/<ME>/instantclient_12_2:/home/<ME>/instantclient_12_2/libclntsh.so.12.1:
>> echo $PATH
>> /home/<ME>/instantclient_12_2:/home/<ME>/bin:/home/<ME>/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
>> |
>> |locale LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_GB LC_CTYPE="en_GB.UTF-8"
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