[Qgis-user] no python console in QGIS 3 Ubuntu 17.10

Patrick Dunford enzedrailmaps at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 19:22:51 PDT 2018

If I was doing it, it would just be for debian/ubuntu section, the rest 
would be copied/pasted from the existing one.

But it seems to me there are really only a small number of people that 
actually find it difficult. Like seriously, why would you put in the 
example name for you distro when it clearly says "this is an example".

How far can you practically go to make it easier for a small number of 
people who are either Linux novices, have a poor grasp of English or 
have comprehension difficulties? I have learning disabilities and had 
never used Linux before when I started to use the instructions but I 
never found them difficult to understand. The only real improvement I 
could think of is to perhaps put a little more detail or explanation in 
here and there, if there is enough space. I've got a rough draft but 
right now it might easily be 50% or more longer than what's there at the 

On 15/04/18 19:07, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> On 14-04-18 22:30, Patrick Dunford wrote:
>> No offence, but it might have been written by someone who doesn't have
>> English as their first language.
>> It would be interesting for me to try rewriting it myself...
> Hi Patrick,
> in the footer of the page you will find a 'fixme' link. If you click
> that one, you will be sent to a github page:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/edit/master/source/site/forusers/alldownloads.rst
> AND probably be asked to create a fork of the repo (do it) and then you
> can do a rewrite and can ask for a pull request, so others can have a
> look at your proposal.
> Feel free to do it! But do not underestimate the complexity of all the
> different setups, exclusions, possibilities etc etc... The different
> setups are there for example because one has latest versions of
> software, and another one only the stable versions etc etc.
> If you can get your head around it, AND do a human write-up that would
> be great. Note that this page has gone over a lot of iterations already:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/commits/master/source/site/forusers/alldownloads.rst
> It is just pretty complex :-)
> But maybe a fresh mind could be a win!
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde

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