[Qgis-user] Textual representation of styles ?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Aug 7 07:12:31 PDT 2018

Hi Lars,

QGIS supports "data defined" properties. Any graphical attribute is 
usually also exposed as "data-defined".

Wherever you can defined this data-defined icon (see 
https://docs.qgis.org/2.18/en/_images/mIconDataDefine.png) you can 
either specify a feature attribute or rule or calculation to define a 

See also 

So - if your data contains attributes that can be used for symbology, 
you can apply such data-defined overrides.

OGR feature styles are not directly supported by QGIS, but if they are 
exposed in one or more attributes, you may use this information for 
data-defined overrides.

Hope this helps,


Am 07.08.2018 um 15:49 schrieb Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S:
> Hi list.
> Does QGIS utilize and support textual styles, e.g. as read from data ?
> OGR has a feature style specification 
> (https://www.gdal.org/ogr_feature_style.html ), with some examples 
> shown below.
> Has anyone used QGIS to facilitate such style representation ?
> --
> /Here are some example style definition strings: /
>   * /A 5 pixels wide red line:
>     //PEN(c:#FF0000,w:5px)///
>   * /A polygon filled in blue, with a black outline:
>     //BRUSH(fc:#0000FF);PEN(c:#000000)///
>   * /A point symbol:
>     //SYMBOL(c:#00FF00,id:"points.sym-45,ogr-sym-7")///
>   * /A text label, taking the text string from the "text_attribute"
>     attribute field:
>     //LABEL(f:"Times New Roman",s:12pt,t:{text_attribute})"///
> /Here is what a style table that contains all the above styles could 
> look like: /
> /    road: PEN(c:#FF0000,w:5px)/
> /lake:      BRUSH(fc:#0000FF);PEN(c:#000000)/
> /campsite:  SYMBOL(c:#00FF00,id:"points.sym-45,ogr-sym-7")/
> /label:     LABEL(f:"Times New Roman",s:12pt,t:{text_attribute})/
> --
> I know that QGIS supports its own XML style format, and supports some 
> form of SLD. Both are layer based, though, not feature based.
> Med venlig hilsen
> Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S
> GIS konsulent, FME Certified Professional
> Beskrivelse: http://website.lifa.dk/docs/LIFA_GIS·IT_logo.png
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