[Qgis-user] WFS created with geoserver not showing style in QGIS

Reginald Reginald.Carlier at ingelmunster.be
Thu Aug 9 23:42:26 PDT 2018


In an earlier topic in this list there was a mentioning of SLD's being a
styling that is layer based in stead of feature based. In geoserver I
created a sld style for a layer that is inside my postgis database. The
layer contains information about projects concerning sewersystem, an
features are categorised accorcing to the value of some field. This style is
saved in the database. When I import my layer and style in geoserver it
shows a correct styling in the openlayers client. When I use the wfs url in
qgis 3.2 I get a notification that WFS version 1.2.0 is not supported. The
URL of the WFS mentions WFS version 1.0.0.
What is going on here?
I also tried to use the GMLAS plugin but this fails too:

2018-08-10T08:28:46     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:28:47     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:29:34     WARNING    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE
proname = 'postgis_version'
2018-08-10T08:29:34     WARNING    SELECT oid, nspname,
pg_get_userbyid(nspowner), nspacl FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname !~ '^pg_'
AND nspname != 'information_schema'
2018-08-10T08:29:42     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:32:22     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:32:23     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:32:39     WARNING    building WFS
2018-08-10T08:32:40     WARNING    building WFS

Is it possible to show a categorised style in a WFS service?


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