[Qgis-user] Grass Plugin not working in QGIS 2.18.16

Stefan Blumentrath Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no
Fri Feb 2 02:40:16 PST 2018

In that case you could try to rename .qgis2 in your home directory and check for suspicious registry settings in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\QGIS 2.18
That is at least what I would try...


From: nils.hempel at gmx.de [mailto:nils.hempel at gmx.de]
Sent: fredag 2. februar 2018 11.13
To: Stefan Blumentrath <Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no>; qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: AW: [Qgis-user] Grass Plugin not working in QGIS 2.18.16

HI Stefan,

thanks for the hint, but in fact it is 7.2.2 installed.

I also get the error when I use the standalone installer. Since I had an older QGIS Version running on that same machine 2.18.something, I am guessing that there are some hidden settings files in my User folder or registry entries which interfere with the new installation.


Von: Stefan Blumentrath [mailto:Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no]
Gesendet: Freitag, 2. Februar 2018 11:07
An: nils.hempel at gmx.de<mailto:nils.hempel at gmx.de>; qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Betreff: RE: [Qgis-user] Grass Plugin not working in QGIS 2.18.16

Hi Nils,

GRASS GIS 7.4 just got released: https://grass.osgeo.org/news/71/15/GRASS-GIS-7-4-0-released/ and I assume this is the GRASS version you installed in OSGeo4W.

There are maybe to solutions to the problem:
1)       the QGIS-GRASS-plugin needs to be compiled against the current stable version, I guess (this would have to be done by the package maintainer)
2)      you can downgrade your GRASS installation in OSGeo4W to GASS 7.2.2

Just guessing...


From: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of nils.hempel at gmx.de<mailto:nils.hempel at gmx.de>
Sent: fredag 2. februar 2018 10.54
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [Qgis-user] Grass Plugin not working in QGIS 2.18.16

Hi All,

After freshly install from OSGeo4W I am getting the following Notficiations:

2018-02-02T10:39:38 1 Konnte C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/globeplugin.dll nicht laden (Grund: Die Bibliothek C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/globeplugin.dll kann nicht geladen werden: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.)
2018-02-02T10:39:38 1 Konnte C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassplugin7.dll nicht laden (Grund: Die Bibliothek C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassplugin7.dll kann nicht geladen werden: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.)
2018-02-02T10:39:38 1 Konnte C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassprovider7.dll nicht laden (Grund: Die Bibliothek C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassprovider7.dll kann nicht geladen werden: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.)
2018-02-02T10:39:38 1 Konnte C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassrasterprovider7.dll nicht laden (Grund: Die Bibliothek C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/plugins/grassrasterprovider7.dll kann nicht geladen werden: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.)

This means that all the mentioned DLLs were not found, despite the fact, that they are at the exact location were the path is pointing to.
I've found an older Issue in the Issue tracker concerning the same problem: https://issues.qgis.org/issues/16777
The mentioned solution (Installing gdal201) doesn't solve the problem.

My System is Windows 10 Home 64bit the used QGIS version is OSGeo4W with quick installation mode. I'am using the QGIS with Grass Gis Support bat file to start QGIS.

I would be grateful for any help,


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