[Qgis-user] Web Feature Service - Feature Limit Error

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Tue Feb 13 08:54:33 PST 2018

When you select the data, dont cache it. I have a large datsset which I 
access regularly via WFS, when I had the Cache Layer ticked, it produced 
issues like you describe, removing the Cache requirement at the Layer 
insertion point, sorted this. Dont worry about Loading too much data, as 
you can limit this in your styling, also bear in mind, that the WFS uses 
does not load the whole dataset every time, only the view you currently 
Hope that makes sense!


On 13/02/2018 14:15, ofoerster at posteo.de wrote:
> Hi Community,
> why can not I set the size of the memory (Cache Settings) to be 
> greater than 805696 KiB? I have enough hard disk space.
> Unfortunately, I can only import a limited number when I load WFS. For 
> larger numbers (from 450.000), I get an empty layer and I get the 
> Error Message:
> "Download of features for layer fis:s_wfs_alkis_gebaeudeflaechen 
> failed or partially failed: empty response: Unknown error. You may 
> attempt reloading the layer with F5"
> I have some pictures attached.
> Thanks for any informations.
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*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
*OPW FRM Data Management*
*52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.*
TEL: 01 6476543

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