[Qgis-user] WFS 2.0 feature type with inherited properties not shown on map

Lyn Elisa Goltz goltz at lat-lon.de
Tue Feb 20 01:58:56 PST 2018

Dear list,

we have problems to include a complex WFS feature type as layer in QGIS 2.18.16.
The underlying schema is the german XPlan GML 4.1 [1]. The WFS 2.0 provides
several layers, among others "xplan:BP_Plan". The connection to the service
seems to work fine, after adding the connection the feature type "xplan:BP_Plan"
can be added as layer. The layer is shown in the layer window as you can see in
the attached image. The number of objects is correctly shown behind the
layername. The icon of the layer looks like a sheet and it is not possible to
select/deselect the layer. The map is empty.
Taking a look into the attributes as well as the fields in the layer properties
it seems the list of fields does not match the provided properties of the
feature type (among others the geometry is missing). Noticeable is that all
inherited porperties are missing. As you can see in the schema, the type
BP_PlanType extends XP_PlanType.

Is there any option we have to set during including the service or layer? Or is
the handling of such cases not implemented in QGIS?

Using the WFS 2.0 Client plugin (0.9.8 beta) of Jürgen Weichand the feature type
can be added as layer and is shown on the map as expected. Furthermore,
rendering works fine if the data was manually downloaded as GML from WFS and
included in QGIS.

Best regards,


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