[Qgis-user] ctrl-c selection issue

Jeroen Hovens mail at groenebij.nl
Tue Jan 9 12:25:33 PST 2018



Using qgis 2.14.18 I have been working today with a large csv file (7.5 mln
objects). I just need selections of this database which I can then modify in
excel. So I opened the attribute table and made a selection based on a
specific value for an attribute, and copied that selection (about 30.000
objects) via the clipboard (ctrl-c) to a new Microsoft Excel file, then
saved the excel file and repeated the process for another selection. This
worked perfect for some time. However, some selections won't copy: when I
press the copy button the programs turn to 'not responding' and won't snap
out of it anymore.  Selection size when this happens is about the same
(about 20k to 35k objects).


What could be the problem? Could the data be corrupted? How can I check what
is wrong?


Thank you




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