[Qgis-user] QGIS Server 3.0.3 with NGINX / FastCGI - Sessions not persisting?

Andrew Terry andrew.terry at centremaps.co.uk
Thu Jun 14 04:18:31 PDT 2018


I'm finding with QGIS 3.0.3 and NGINX using FastCGI, running on Ubuntu Bionic that calls to a project appear to start a fresh session for every WMS request.

In the qgis logs I'm seeing the loading of the file and session started before each WMS request log. In the nginx error logs I'm seeing in particular:

"2018/06/12 09:05:06 [error] 1301#1301: *9 FastCGI sent in stderr: "QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-www-data'"

I'm then seeing a new QGIS file and a session folder appear within /tmp/ for every WMS request posted.

I've successfully run QGIS 2.18 previously with NGINX and have tried to ensure not settings differ. I also tried Apache (on Debian Stretch) successfully with 3.0.3

I am only using the QGIS tutorial content for testing. The WMS output is being served successfully.

Any advice gratefully received.


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