[Qgis-user] Labeled grouping by geometry
Stefan Giese
Stefan.Giese at wheregroup.com
Mon Jun 25 02:58:03 PDT 2018
Hola Emilio,
you can try do generate a new virtual Layer with a union of the geometry
grouped by the geometry itself and use this one for labeling. The
following statement will define your new virtual layer:
*/select mylayer.labelfield, st_union(/**/mylayer/**/.geometry) from
/**/mylayer/**/group by /**/mylayer/**/.geometry/*
The result will be a new layer with no double geometries.
Hope this helps
Best regards
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Stefan Giese
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vertreten durch:
Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
Am 25.06.2018 um 10:32 schrieb Emilio Abad Vidal:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a problem and I can not find the solution. I would appreciate any help.
> I have a layer of lines that represent stretches of electrical conductors. These sections have a point of origin and an end point. One of its attributes is the length of each of the sections.
> Some of these sections have the same point of origin and the same ending point, so when I label these lines by their length, this repeated data appears for each of the lines and the data is repeated.
> I need that when labeling the layer, only the label of one of the lines appears, that is, that the distance between each of the points is represented. I have tried to do it by means of a labeling based on rules, and some function of aggregation by geometry, so that only one label is shown for each space between points.
> I do not get it, so I would appreciate any help to solve this problem.
> Thank you very much in advance and greetings
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