[Qgis-user] TIN Interpolation from points (survey) with break (interrupt or constraint) lines

teddy guerin teddyguerin at yahoo.fr
Wed Mar 28 11:10:21 PDT 2018


I seem that you use grass (module of qgis) for this action or openjump 😉.



Envoyé de mon iPad

> Le 28 mars 2018 à 19:23, "casoli at risorsaterra.it" <casoli at risorsaterra.it> a écrit :
> Hi everybody
> I have a PointSHP with Z field value that represents the survey on a step vineyard: points have been token along base and edge of steps to represent slope breaks.
> In order to build a TIN (DEM) I created a line SHP and drew a series of lines linking  related  points (respecting morphological alignements).
> Then I tried to build a triangulagion TIN (DEM) by "Interpolation TIN" tool using my points with their Z elevation field and my breaklinesline SHP to constrain triangulation inside each slope or step.
> But the TIN obtained is a regular inclined surface that follows the general slope of the whole survey given by mean of z value of points: no steps no slopes.
> Where I miss? What is the way to build a TIN from points with constrain lines?
> I send an image that represents the points and breaklines on a orthophoto foreground and beside the same vector elements on the resulting TIN by interpolation.
> Thanks in advance.  
> -- 
> Riccardo Casoli, Geologo (email:casoli at risorsaterra.it; cell:3289026131)
> Studio Associato Risorsaterra
> di Barbonaglia, Casoli, Colombo, Cravello
> Agricoltura, geologia, foreste
> via Coda, 22/e
> 13900 Biella Chiavazza
> Tel e fax: 01523346
> e-mail: info at risorsaterra.it
> C.F. e P.Iva: IT02413380029
> <Clipboard01.jpg>
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