[Qgis-user] QGIS3: loading in Processing broken

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Mon May 7 00:58:15 PDT 2018

Hi there,

I'll write a bug report soon, but wanted to ask others first if they
expect similar problems in other builds. I'm on Windows 7, 64 bit
with QGIS build ba9f27e280.

1. When loading a GPKG file in Processing, you cannot select the
layer, processing should work on. Since GPKG is a multi-layer database,
every process ends with an error.

2. When loading a normal file, like a shapefile in Processing, the
selection menus for the target fields don't get updated. When you've
loaded files in normal project window, those are placed in the
Processing dialog by default. When changing the file, the selection
menus für fields are still set to the old file.

When doing it in a blank project window, the selection menus keep
empty. You can't select anything.

I had this issue on each of the three tools dealing with "hub lines".
I'm using the same files, which I have used for over a year.

Best regards,

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