[Qgis-user] Posted email to group not appearing

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Mon May 21 03:29:54 PDT 2018

On 21-05-18 10:32, SEGGIE Graeme wrote:
> Dear Sir / Madam,
> Is there something that stops certain email addresses posting to the
> QGIS-User email list? I have noted in the past delays when I have done
> so, but this last one (below), which I posted on the 18^th (05/18) has
> still not appeared on the email list.


it is received and in the list, see the archive:


maybe your own spam filter removed it for you? There is a lot of
spam-triggering text in your signature (several languages etc)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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