[Qgis-user] aux.xml files

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Mon May 21 07:37:42 PDT 2018

Hi world,

Ok I figured it out. As it turns out, the *aux.xml file is generated 
when the raster band does not contain the statistics data.  I first 
removed all this data using gdal_edit with the "-unsetstats" command.  
Then used the "-stats" command and voilà!!! no more pesky xml files for 
all files!

For some reason, using the -stats command only,  did not do the job as I 
had tried that before writing this email.  I first needed to -unsetstats 



On 2018-05-21 12:13 AM, Nicolas Cadieux wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing some scripts in python using gdal.  When reading .tif files to get the min max statistics, I sometimes get the creation of pesky *.aux.xml files and sometimes not?
> What governs the creation of these files? Are they only created when the statistics are not included in the band metadata? Can a gdal-edit -stats fix the issue?
> I know this is more of a gdal question then a Qgis question but some people in this group are very knowledgeable so I am taking my chances!
> Thanks for the insight
> Nicolas
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