[Qgis-user] Contours generation problem.

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Sun May 27 16:38:24 PDT 2018

On 28 May 2018 at 06:32, Xero <arnauddiver at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello I have a problem when trying to generate a contour on a raster. Every
> time I start the processus I've got this error message :
> /Traitement de l'algorithme ...
> AlgorithmDialog
> Input parameters:
> { 'BAND' : 1, 'CREATE_3D' : False, 'FIELD_NAME' : 'ELEV', 'IGNORE_NODATA' :
> False, 'INPUT' : '/Users/arnomak/Desktop/RDB DEM/Agisoft/DEM.tif',
> 'INTERVAL' : 10, 'NODATA' : 0, 'OFFSET' : 0, 'OUTPUT' :
> '/var/folders/22/h094_46j6fs1y_hp6gf81r800000gn/T/processing_5ac940d3667d4295b56d8931c0ec3a61/813de11bbc234ad792da768934852d05/OUTPUT.shp'
> }
> GDAL command:
> gdal_contour -b 1 -a ELEV -i 10.0 -snodata 0.0 -f "ESRI Shapefile"
> "/Users/arnomak/Desktop/RDB DEM/Agisoft/DEM.tif"
> "/var/folders/22/h094_46j6fs1y_hp6gf81r800000gn/T/processing_5ac940d3667d4295b56d8931c0ec3a61/813de11bbc234ad792da768934852d05/OUTPUT.shp"
> GDAL command output:
> /bin/sh: gdal_contour: command not found

Here's the error ^^. QGIS can't run gdal_contour, so it's likely not
available on your workstation. Try running gdal_contour from a
terminal window and see if it works there. If not, I suspect you'r
missing a required gdal package.


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