[Qgis-user] QGIS web map - add author name

Yossi Rokni yossi.rokni at gmail.com
Wed May 30 23:16:00 PDT 2018

I created my first web map in QGIS, using the good instructions in this web

I want to add my name as a fixed text at the bottom of the map.
Is it possible to do it by updating the file qgis2web.js or any other way?

I am not familiar with java script - it would be great if you could provide
me the relevant java script command that I need to add into qgis2web.js.

Some more details:
I use QGIS version 2.18 (I tried using QGIS 3.0, but I couldn't create a
web map in this version).
I created the web map using qgis2web plugin.

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