[Qgis-user] My first question to the group

Xavier Calatrava Cots xavi-calatrava at aiguesdeblanes.cat
Wed Nov 21 01:45:05 PST 2018

Good morning,


            This is my first question to the group and is about print
composer: we need that the map rotation in map canvas is the same at the
print composer and don't have to put manually and press Enter in print
composer every time. I think that we can use the variable 'qgis.gui.
QgsMapCanvas.rotation' in a function but I don't know how to do it (I don't
have experience with Python).


            And the last question: is it possible (by Python code maybe?)
when I open the print composer this windows always appears maximized and the
map in print composer is the same in map canvas view (same scale, rotation,


            Anyone can help me?


Thanks for your attention,



Xavier Calatrava


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