[Qgis-user] Potential Bug in writing gpkg from database manager?

Michael Treglia mtreglia at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 13:09:42 PDT 2018

As a quick follow-up - it seems like maybe the first numeric or integer
column gets assigned to an FID column, but the original column name stays
there with all values from other numeric/integer columns ending up
apparently shifted over to the left one, because there's an extra column.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:01 PM Michael Treglia <mtreglia at gmail.com> wrote:

> Whoops! Forgot the key information:
> (Running on Windows 7 Pro x64)
> QGIS version
> 3.2.3-Bonn
> QGIS code revision
> 9b176802e5 <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/9b176802e5>
> Compiled against Qt
> 5.9.2
> Running against Qt
> 5.9.2
> Compiled against GDAL/OGR
> 2.2.4
> Running against GDAL/OGR
> 2.2.4
> Compiled against GEOS
> 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1
> Running against GEOS
> 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1 r0
> PostgreSQL Client Version
> 9.2.4
> SpatiaLite Version
> 4.3.0
> QWT Version
> 6.1.3
> QScintilla2 Version
> 2.10.1
> PROJ.4 Version
> 493
> On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 4:00 PM Michael Treglia <mtreglia at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Just checking if others are observing something similar:
>> * I was writing data to gpkg files from a postgis database.from the
>> Database Manager. (e.g., select a layer from the PostGIS database and hit
>> the "export to file" button at the top.
>> * The resulting gpkg layer loses data in a column towards the left, but
>> all of the headings are maintained. Thus, data are shifted to the left one
>> column from a certain point on, and the last column has NULLs.
>> If writing into an existing gpkg file, dragging and dropping the layer
>> from the PostGIS db into the gpkg file and selecting appropriate options in
>> the dialogue box that pops up does not have that issue.
>> I'm still trying to see exactly what's going on, but figured I'd see if
>> this is something others are experiencing (or if it's already been
>> reported).
>> Mike
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