[Qgis-user] copy layer to scratch

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sat Sep 1 09:22:06 PDT 2018

Hi Renato,

Am Do, 30.08.2018, 17:52 schrieb Renato Saboya:
> Not sure if this is what you want, but you could try:
> - Selecting the desired features;
> - Edit > Copy features
> - Edit > Paste features as... > Temporary scratch layer

Yeah, that's okay for a normal workflow. But must of the time I'm
using processing without drawing my files. This saves lots of time,
but of course it's working. Thanks!

> (wording is probably a bit off, since my QGIS is not in English).

Nah, it's fine. I had same trouble in the past... I've switched to
English about a year ago, since the German translations didn't fit
my taste.

Best regards,

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