[Qgis-user] Compiling resources qrc

Tyler Veinot tylerkveinot at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 10:06:23 PDT 2019

I am trying to port a QGIS Plugin to QGIS3 and am getting this error when
running the pyrcc5.bat
 from PyQt5.QtCore import PYQT_VERSION_STR, QDir, QFile
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I went onto the stack exchange and tried some solutions presented there
including a cutome bat file and a series of pip install --updates to the
pyQT5 and pyQT5-tools which lead to the complete collaps of python support
in my qgis, I had to uninstall and reinstall the whole thing to bring it
Is there a solution to this issue?
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