[Qgis-user] How to change raster values from another raster

vivien.mai at hotmail.fr vivien.mai at hotmail.fr
Wed Apr 10 02:55:29 PDT 2019

Hello everyone,

I'm going to introduce myself quickly. I'm a french researcher in Geology
and I use a lot Qgis for my work. I don't know if it's the good forum to ask
for support on Qgis so tell me if another forum is more appropriate.

I have a DEM with a dame lake in the middle. I need to have the topography
under the lake level so I built another DEM with the topography under the
lake level. This new DEM has the same projection than the first one but not
the same resolution. 

I want to change the elevation values of the fist DEM  using the values of
the new DEM. I have already drawn a polygone of the area where I want change
the values (the lake).

How can I do this? Can I use a raster calculator?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


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