[Qgis-user] problems reprojecting in equal earth

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Mon Aug 19 09:26:12 PDT 2019


Trying to help another Qgis user that posted earlier.

We have Natural Earth vectorial Data that we what to reproject in Equal 
Earth.  We want Austria to be in the middle of the map so we created a 
Equal Earth Project using  custom CRS  using +proj=eqearth +datum=WGS84 
+wktext +lon_0=136 with the help of 
https://proj.org/operations/projections/eqearth.html. Using  lon_0=136 
puts Australia in the middle and limits the distortion in that longitude.

Data was reprojected and saved in the new projection (vector/Data 
Management tools/Reproject Layer).  Project is also in the Equal Earth 
projection so no reprojection on the fly is happening behind the scenes.

Question: How so we take care of the nasty polygons that appear when we 
add the "+lon_0=136" parameter?  See the zip.

You can find the data here: 

Qgis 3.8.1 on Windows 10_64



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