[Qgis-user] Handle local layers in resources folder when project saved in PostgreSQL

Yann Voté ygversil at lilo.org
Thu Dec 5 02:51:05 PST 2019

Hi all,

I can't find a solution to the following issue, or a way to work around 
it: I have created a project with some PostgreSQL layers to edit and 
some raster layers on local filesystem. I work on a Linux computer and 
have put the local layers into the pkg data path resources folder 

I have also saved the project into PostgreSQL so that it can be shared 
easily. Other users work on Windows computers and have the same rasters 
under pkg data path resources folder 
(C:/PROGRAM~1/QGIS3~1.8/apps/qgis/resources/local/raster.gpkg). But when 
they open the project, Postgis layers are loaded fine, but QGIS says 
that raster.gpkg cannot be found under the /usr/share/... path.

I would expect that layers in the pkg data path resources folder are 
saved with the inbuilt: prefix, but in fact they are not. Moreover, it 
seems that one cannot select "Relative" for saving layer paths, in 
project properties, when project is saved to PostgreSQL. Looks sensible 
(what is the relative path to a PostgreSQL table ?), but then what can I 
do to share a PostgreSQL project with local layers ?

We all use QGIS 3.8.3.

Thank you for any advice !



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