[Qgis-user] Python script for QGIS
rlelamer at hotmail.fr
Mon Dec 23 12:11:47 PST 2019
I would need help ...
I know how to do all the steps on the QGIS interface except one, the binarization of the png with the Raster calculator according to the RGB colors
I have 524 288 png tiles to convert to kml, and even if I wanted to, it's an impossible task by hand ... so I would like to automate that.
Here's what I've managed to do so far ...
def run_script(iface):
# 'map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + '.png'
for column in range(1023):
for line in range(511):
# Convert World Coordinate to GPS Coordinate
def convWcToGps(column, line):
# lonW
var ulx = (360 * (column / 1024)) - 180
# latN
var uly = 90 - (180 * (line / 512))
# lonE
var lrx = ulx + 0.3515625
# latS
var lry = uly - 0.3515625
return ulx, uly, lrx, lry
# Verbose
print ('map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + '.png'
+ '\n lonW (ulx) = ' + ulx
+ '\n latN (uly) = ' + uly
+ '\n lonE (lrx) = ' + lrx
+ '\n latS (lry) = ' + lry)
# Add GPS Coordinate and Projection
# gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr <ulx> <uly> <lrx> <lry> input.png output.tiff
'gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr ' + str(ulx) + ' ' + str(uly) + ' ' + str(lrx) + ' ' + str(lry) + ' /Users/romain/TilesVR/map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + line + '.png /Users/romain/TilesVR/map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + '.tiff'
print ('Add Coordinate and Projection => DONE')
# Binarisation
# map_11_column_line.tiff to BIN_map_11_column_line.tif
# 0 black = sea, 1 white = land
# land = RGB 59,89,95,255 & RGB 60,89,96,255
# ? code
print ('Binarisation => DONE')
# Polygonisation
# BIN_map_11_column_line.tif to POL_map_11_column_line.shp
'gdal_polygonize.py "/Users/romain/TilesVR/BIN_map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + '.tif" "/Users/romain/TilesVR/POL_map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + '.shp" -b 1 -f "ESRI Shapefile" POL_map_11_' + str(column) + '_' + str(line) + 'DN'
print ('Polygonisation => DONE')
# Repair geometry
# POL_map_11_column_line.shp to RP_POL_map_11_column_line.shp
# ? code
print ('Repair geometry => DONE')
# Linearisation
# RP_POL_map_11_column_line.shp to LN_map_11_column_line.shp
# ? code
print ('Linearisation => DONE')
# Export kml
# LN_map_11_column_line.shp to KML_map_11_column_line.kml
# ? code
print ('Export Kml => DONE’)
Would you be willing to help me ?
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