[Qgis-user] gdal_rasterize settings

john polo jpolo at mail.usf.edu
Mon Feb 25 16:32:31 PST 2019

Dear List,

I'm using gdal_rasterize in QGIS 3.4.4. The GDAL version is 2.4.0. I 
have a vector of the state of Oklahoma that I am trying to convert to a 
raster. I am using the Rasterize command from the Processing Toolbox. I 
want to set the Output Raster Size Units to use Georeferenced units (30m 
x 30m). The vector is projected to UTM 14. In the command window, I can 
not figure out how to set the Width/Horizontal resolution to 
"30.0,30.0". I've tried this command several times and each time, I 
can't set the resolution to anything but one value, 30. The GDAL/OGR 
console call at the bottom the Rasterize window says:

gdal_rasterize -l ACS2016 -a density -tr 30.0 0.0 -a_nodata 0.0 -te 
141482.98459323175 3728541.225561033 918798.5521893443 
4103736.2372529646 -ot Float32 -of GTiff 

The same error:

ERROR 1: Wrong value for -tr parameter.

I can't manually edit this in the window and I'm not sure how else to 
run this command with the right settings.


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