[Qgis-user] Problem in saving point in MySql

Satya Mishra androsatya at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 13:52:09 PDT 2019

I created a table with point geometry in mysql. Subsequently added a vector
layer from mysql table . The table could be accessed from QGIS. However on
pressing the add button the system threw warning message that no CRS was
defined hence WGS84 has been used. I then changed the CRS to EPSG24378 as
was desired. Now i select this vector layer and toggle to editing mode to
add points. The mysql table is shown when I click at the desired location.
However when I attempt to save then QGIs throws error as "Could not commit
changes to layer MySQL:xxxxxxxxxxx
OGR error creating feature-2:MySQL error message: SRID value is out of
range in 'st_geomfromtext' Description: INSERT INTO tbl_loc(loc_grid, Name)
VALUES (ST_Geomfromtext('POINT( 3383449.16856926 973171.230534863)',-2),

Obviously SRID of -2 is an error. How do I correct this?

QGIS VER 3.4.5

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