[Qgis-user] query SQLand Proyects QSGIS - Saved

Jorge Gustavo Rocha jgr at geomaster.pt
Wed May 22 14:57:43 PDT 2019

Hi Pablo,

1) You can copy your project to any other computer, or you can share the
project using a shared folder. Ensure the paths are valid, for resources
available from the file system.

2) You can also store the project in Postgresql. If you store your
project there, you can open it from any other computer. Ensure the paths
are valid, for resources available from the file system. You must eable
the support for writing and reading projects on the connection.

3) When sharing projects with database connections, to prevent access to
the database with the same username and password for all users, the best
option is to use pg_services.conf.

Is this ok for you?


Jorge Gustavo

Às 22:33 de 22/05/19, Pablo J. Zader escreveu:
> Hi list
> I am trying to leave the SQL queries that I created in QGIS and to persist in successive 
> QGIS openings and closings. The way I found, was to save the QGIS project. Now, 
> the question I have is: Is there any way to export the project with SQL queries and then 
> open everything in another QGIS installation?
> Thanks in advanced
> P.
> -- 
> Pablo J. Zader
> Lic. en Cs. de la Computación + MSc. en Aplicaciones Espaciales de
> Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias
> pablo.zader at gmail.com <mailto:pablo.zader at gmail.com> 
> Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
> Av. Valpáraíso s/n Ciudad Universitaria
>  skype linkedIn <http://linkedin.com/in/pablo-javier-zader-7a232125> 
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>     hablan sobre cosas...  Los Hombres Pequeños hablan.. de otros Hombres./
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