[Qgis-user] Shortest path (Network Analysis)

Tsering W. Shawa shawatw at princeton.edu
Fri Oct 4 06:59:36 PDT 2019

I am trying to find a tool in QGIS that will allow me to calculate shortest path between two layers (number of hospitals to number of addresses) using road network data. There are two plugins (Networks and QNEAT3) and Network analysis tools in Processing Toolbox but none of them allow me to calculate shortest path between two layers. Either the tools will allow me to find the shortest route between a layer (multiple locations) to a single location by picking interactively an origin or a destination location or interactively picking one an origin and a destination location. However, none of the tools will allow a person to upload or select two layers that has multiple point locations to calculate the shortest path.

Any recommendation for tools to solve my problem?


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