[Qgis-user] Geology / formation database structure

Hugo Mercier hugo.mercier at oslandia.com
Thu Oct 24 04:40:46 PDT 2019

Hi Matt,

On 24/10/2019 01:55, Matt Boyd wrote:
> Hi QGISers,
> possibly a little OT but do any of the geologists on the list know of a
> pre-built structure for formation tops in well data?
> I'm thinking a relational DB structure that is able to be filtered by
> group / formation / member and provides more functionality than
> spreadsheets and with a smaller footprint than the monolithic
> geology databases that seem to be around.
> I've started building this myself but I'm more of a user than a designer.

I don't know if it fits your needs, but we are currently working on a
plugin [1] that allows the visualization of boreholes. Data are stored
in whatever formats QGIS is able to read (we mainly use postgis) and the
"data model" aims at being generic enough to adapt to different use cases.

It still lacks a finishing touch before it goes to the main QGIS plugin
repository, but we will be working again on it for one of our customer
before the end of the year.

Fell free to have a look !

[1] https://github.com/Oslandia/QGeoloGIS


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