[Qgis-user] Version 3.14 - Copy and Paste attribute table

Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) tony at farmmaps.nz
Thu Aug 27 14:57:46 PDT 2020

Thanks Andreas, at least a workaround.


So the following works:

*	Highlight some lines in an attribute browser window
*	Change the focus back to the map canvas
*	Edit -> Copy  (or ctrl C after setting up the shortcut)
*	Paste into any other app


What does not work, but used to:

*	Highlight rows in an attribute browser window
*	Ctrl C
*	Paste


So it appears that you have to now change focus back to the map canvas before copying data to the clipboard.  That’s OK, and it works, but not really that intuitive and in my opinion, it would be cool to be able to copy directly to the clipboard from the attribute browser window as per previous behaviour without having to change focus first.





From: Qgis-user <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Andreas Neumann
Sent: Wednesday, 26 August 2020 5:28 pm
To: Stephane Goldstein <s.n.g at gmx.com>
Cc: qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Version 3.14 - Copy and Paste attribute table



I don't think that this was deliberately changed. I agree that the copy/paste functionality to other software is very convenient.

Can you please check in Menu "Settings" --> "Keyboard Shortcuts" --> Sort by Shortcut and see if something else might have captured the "Ctrl-C" Shortcut?

Ctrl-C should be assigned to "Copy Features".

I checked in my system (QGIS master) and it seems like when using German language, it is properly assigned, but as soon as you switch to English, the Shortcut is gone.

But you can easily re-assign the shortcut: Select the Action "Copy Features" --> Click the "Change" button and assign the combination "Ctrl+C".

Let us know if this helps. Can you perhaps also open a but report on this so it can be fixed for all users?



On 2020-08-26 03:10, Stephane Goldstein wrote:


I also do that very frequently. Ctrl+C does not work for that anymore.

Now after selecting your features, you have to go to the Edit menu and click "Copy features". 


On Wed, 26 Aug 2020 at 04:49, Tony Shepherd (FarmMaps NZ) < <mailto:tony at farmmaps.nz> tony at farmmaps.nz> wrote:

Hi All


Prior to 3.14 we could simply open an attribute table, select a few rows (or atrl A to select all), ctrl-v to copy and then paste into excel or similar.  Handy for a quick excel filter, or pivot table etc.


Just to check that I hadn't gone completely mad, I found an old PC with 3.12 installed and yes, that is possible.


In 3.14 this isn't possible?  I know its easy to export and save as excel, but it just takes a lot longer.  Is this by design or have I missed something obvious, and if so can somebody help point me in the right direction. 


I note from Dr Google that there are issues in 3.14 with copying and pasting map features, is this related?




Tony Shepherd  |  GeoSpatial / Mapping Manager

Ph 027 435 6193  |  E  <mailto:tony at farmmaps.nz> tony at farmmaps.nz

FarmMaps NZ, 3 Kerwood Place, Gore 9740




 <http://tonyshepherd8.wixsite.com/home>  <https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=ISTLGORE2> 


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