[Qgis-user] QGIS Server error log

Thomas Schüttenberg thomas at qgis.de
Fri Dec 11 05:28:37 PST 2020

...some further investigations on this:
Checking for 'sip' in the OSGeo4W installer I only found the lib sip-qt5 (v4.19.14-1) already installed.

Regarding the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qgis' (the second one): 
Seems there is a misinterpretation of some of the Python Paths, e.g. 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\x07pps\\qgis/./python' IMHO should be like 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\qgis/./python'

This path origiantes from the environment variable PYTHONHOME "D:\gdi\qgisServer\apps\Python37" in %OSGEO4W%\httpd.d\httpd_qgis.conf
Although the backslashes become escaped with '\' a misinterpretation of '\a' (at the beginning of 'apps') happens.

Simply exchanging '\' with '/' in PYTHONHOME modifies the log displayed path to 'D:/gdi/qgisServer/apps/qgis/./python', but the python support is still disabled. The remaining ModuleNotFoundError[ is now]: No module named 'qgis.PyQt'

How to find/set the valid python path? 

BTW, subsequent installation of lib pyqt5 did not fix the issue.

Still no clue about python support for QGIS server, but now it's weekend!

> Thomas Schüttenberg <thomas at qgis.de> hat am 10.12.2020 16:22 geschrieben:
> Hi there!
> Just set up a new QGIS Server 3.16.1 and although it is working I receive the following error log (see below). Installation was done with OSGeo4W selecting only the package qgis-server and auto resolving the dependencies. 
> Because disabled Python support is of course not appreciated, maybe someone knows how to fix this?
> Cheers!
> 15:22:57 WARNING [3020]: Adding API Landing Page 
> 15:22:57 WARNING [3020]: Adding API OGC WFS3 (Draft) 
> 15:22:57 WARNING Python error[3020]: An error occurred during execution of following code:
> os.environ['HOME']=os.environ['USERPROFILE']
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File "D:/gdi/qgisServer/apps/Python37\lib\os.py", line 678, in __getitem__
>     raise KeyError(key) from None
> Python version:
> 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit (AMD64)]
> QGIS version:
> 3.16.1-Hannover 'Hannover', b381a90dca
> Python path:
> ['D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\Scripts', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\bin\\python37.zip', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\DLLs', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\lib', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\qgis\\bin', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\lib\\site-packages']
> 15:22:57 WARNING Python error[3020]: Couldn't load SIP module.
> Python support will be disabled.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qgis'
> Python version:
> 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:59:51) [MSC v.1914 64 bit (AMD64)]
> QGIS version:
> 3.16.1-Hannover 'Hannover', b381a90dca
> Python path:
> ['D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\x07pps\\qgis/./python', 'D:\\gdi\\configurations\\profiles\\default/python', 'D:/gdi/qgisServer/plugins', 'D:\\gdi\\configurations\\profiles\\default/python/plugins', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\x07pps\\qgis/./python/plugins', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\Scripts', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\bin\\python37.zip', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\DLLs', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\lib', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\qgis\\bin', 'D:\\gdi\\qgisServer\\apps\\Python37\\lib\\site-packages']
> 15:22:57 WARNING Server[3020]: WMS capabilities document not found in cache
> 15:22:57 WARNING Server[3020]: Set WMS capabilities document in cache

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