[Qgis-user] QGIS uninstalled after GDAL PPA install

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Mar 5 05:50:34 PST 2020

Am 05.03.20 um 00:06 schrieb Lorenzo-Outlook:
> Hi all I also was able to install the new version 3.12 in Ubuntu
> 18.04 following the instructions by eliminating the ubuntugis repo.
> But QGIS is not complete: the problem is strange because QGIS opens
> and inside it is missing many CRS projections (for example the
> geographical WGS84, EPSG:4326 or 3857 and others). It seems that the
> PROJ4 library version 4.9.3 with which QGIS is compiled does not
> contain some CRS. Everything else works but without these projections
> QGIS is not much need. Of course the server version also has this
> problem and is therefore unusable. I went back to the ubuntugis repo
> and reinstalled QGIS 3.10.2 which works fine. Did someone have the
> same problem or did it just happen to me? Bye Lorenzo

This might be a follow-up of QGIS 3.12 expecting PROJ 6.3.1 which is not 
yet available for Ubuntu (with or without ubuntugis).

You might switch to the QGIS ubuntu-ltr repo, which contains QGIS 3.10.3 
at the moment.

Andre Joost

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