[Qgis-user] CRS Issue

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Mar 26 13:54:05 PDT 2020

Hi Tyler,

EPSG:2292 was phased out in 90's (it is marked as 'depcrecated' and not 
included in the current EPSG registry), and replaced by EPSG:2954.  They 
actually contain the exact same PROJ parameters; meaning that if your 
local QGIS defaults to 2292 for a dataset you can safely proceed without 
any worry.

Future QGIS versions (and other FOSS4G tools) leveraging an updated PROJ 
db will likely solve this for you.

Now you might say 'but jeff I asked how to delete 2292...", well 
honestly I would not recommend it (others may recommend this, but I do 
not).  However if you wish to proceed here is a possible way (proceed at 
your own risk):

open Command Prompt
cd "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.12\apps\qgis\resources"
sqlite3 srs.db
     .schema tbl_srs
     select * from tbl_srs where srid = 2292;
     delete from tbl_srs where srid = 2292;

*restart QGIS


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2020-03-26 3:33 p.m., Tyler Veinot wrote:
> All;
> For some reason my QGIS thinks all my data is in EPSG 2292 but Esri says 
> it is in EPSG 2954 2954 is the only ESPG we use but QGIS keeps 
> defaulting back to 2292, is there a way I can delete 2292 entirely?
> Thanks;
> Tyler

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