[Qgis-user] OSgeo4W installation - postinstall routines exit with code -6

karsten karsten at terragis.net
Fri Nov 20 15:12:12 PST 2020

Hi All,
I have been using a OSgeo4W installation with QGIS , QGIS+ Grass Saga etc
for years on this windows 7 machine
The last update did not work correctly (a long list of post install routines
exited with code -6. I ran a reinstall , same problem. I removed all via the
setup routine, deleted remaining content of c:\OSGeo4W64\ cleaned registry
and switched off Norton security suite that was running. After a machine
reboot download a fresh osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe and ran a new installation
(as Administrator). That resulted in the same issues. 
I checked c:\OSGeo4W64\var\log\setup.log and found the list of errors listed
QGIS *.exe versions or .bat files in c:\OSGeo4W64\bin\ are not starting and
instead I am getting an "qgis_app.dll can not be loaded" error. 
There are no *.env file in the C:\OSGeo4W64 and ist sub-directories 
Would anyone have a hint how this can be solved ? 
Visited: 173 nodes out of 477 while creating dependency order.
Dependency order of packages: msvcrt2015 sqlite3 openssl10 openssl
python3-core msvcrt2008 msvcrt2010 msvcrt setup shell zlib qt5-libs msvc2015
icu-libs qtwebkit-qt5-libs qtwebengine-qt5-libs sip-qt5 pyqt5 libpng libjpeg
proj-hpgn proj-datumgrid libjpeg12 xz libtiff curl-ca-bundle curl proj-dev
geos libmysql szip hdf5 netcdf libpq expat xerces-c hdf4 ogdi iconv-vc14
libpng-vc14 openjpeg iconv proj freexl libxml2 liblwgeom spatialite zstd
gdal-dev alkis-import-gid7 avce00 msvcrt2012 boost-libs cairo exiv2 fcgi
fftw fribidi libkml proj62dll gdal300dll gdal gdal-ecw gdal-hdf5 gdal-mrsid
oci gdal-oracle gdal-sosi libgeotiff xerces-c-vc10 gdal111dll proj5dll
gdal204dll gpsbabel laszip2 msvcrt2013 liblas gs python3-numpy python3-gdal
python3-pyparsing python3-six python3-cycler python3-setuptools
python3-kiwisolver python3-python-dateutil python3-matplotlib pdcurses
python3-wx python3-pillow python3-pip python3-ply python3-pyopengl
python3-psycopg2-binary python3-psycopg2 rbatch zstd-bin python3-pywin32
grass msys python-core python-win32 python-wx python-numpy python-olefile
python-pillow python-pil pyopengl grass6 gsl-libs libspatialindex
libzip-libs mapserver mapscript-python opencl protobuf python3-certifi
python3-chardet python3-coverage python3-decorator python3-exifread
python3-future python3-geographiclib python3-httplib2 python3-idna
python3-markupsafe python3-jinja2 python3-lxml python3-pbr python3-mock
python3-networkx python3-nose2 python3-pyproj python3-pytz python3-pyyaml
python3-urllib3 python3-requests python3-owslib python3-pandas
python3-retrying python3-plotly python3-pygments python3-pyodbc
python3-pypiwin32 qscintilla-qt5 python3-qscintilla python3-scipy
python3-shapely python3-simplejson python3-xlrd python3-xlwt qca-qt5-libs
qwt-libs-qt5 qtkeychain-qt5-libs qgis-common qt5-qml qt5-tools qgis
qgis-grass-plugin-common qgis-grass-plugin7 qgis-oracle-provider saga-ltr
qgis-full qgis-grass-plugin qgis-ltr-common qgis-ltr
qgis-ltr-grass-plugin-common qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7 qgis-ltr-oracle-provider
qgis-ltr-full qgis-ltr-server qgis-server saga 
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:24 running: cmd.exe /c
2020/11/20 14:46:24 abnormal exit: exit code=-6
2020/11/20 14:46:37 note: Installation Complete
2020/11/20 14:46:37 Ending OSGeo4W install

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