[Qgis-user] problem with RECLASSIFY (GRASS)

Azzurra Lentini azzurralentini at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 08:46:42 PST 2020

Hi Chris thank you for the explanations.
Anyway I gave the output folder path so why it should save the output in
another location. Furthermore I searched in my PC but i don't find this
output. Anyway this command is well working in this new version Qgis 3.16
so for the moment I am ok.

Thanks again, Azzurra

On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 at 05:27, chris hermansen <clhermansen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Azzurra and list,
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 4:04 PM Azzurra Lentini <azzurralentini at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Chris thanks for the answer.
>> I thought it is an error because It doesn't give me a result: after the
>> run it says the process couldn't ... And it does not give me an output!!
> Hmm I'm not following that in the message; I see this:
> *output=output919ef43aa43442ca92efb3893e3b9c33*
> Looks like some kind of temporary file to me.  But anyway, wherever that
> might be located on your system, I would think that would be your output.
>> Anyway, I have installed right now qgis 3.16 and in this version it works!
>> So maybe it was a problem in that qgis version.
>> Thanks, Azzurra
>> Il mar 24 nov 2020, 00:48 chris hermansen <clhermansen at gmail.com> ha
>> scritto:
>>> Azzurra and list,
>>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 1:09 PM Azzurra Lentini <
>>> azzurralentini at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi to all, I am trying to reclassify a RASTER file slope - DATA TYPE
>>>> int32 (I have obtained it from a DTM and I have converted the data
>>>> type using "translate" from data type float to INT32).
>>>> But when I tried to reclassify using a rule
>>>> 0 thru 50 = 1
>>>> 51 thru 90 = 2
>>>>  it gives thir error message:
>>>> *2020-11-23T22:00:15     INFO    processInputs end. Commands: ['g.proj
>>>> -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"', 'r.external
>>>> input="D:\\ROMATRE_CompleteJune2019\\CORSI\\corsoGIS202021\\CORSO_LM\\CORSO_R3_LabGIS_TEORIA_PRATICA\\PRATICA\\ESERCITAZIONE_2franaRiskROSSANO\\Elaborazioni\\slope\\slope5_int32.tif"
>>>> band=1 output="rast_5fbc22df0abd18" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4384860.0
>>>> s=4370635.0 e=657470.0 w=639510.0 res=5.0']*
>>>> *2020-11-23T22:00:15     INFO    processCommands end. Commands:
>>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"',
>>>> 'r.external
>>>> input="D:\\ROMATRE_CompleteJune2019\\CORSI\\corsoGIS202021\\CORSO_LM\\CORSO_R3_LabGIS_TEORIA_PRATICA\\PRATICA\\ESERCITAZIONE_2franaRiskROSSANO\\Elaborazioni\\slope\\slope5_int32.tif"
>>>> band=1 output="rast_5fbc22df0abd18" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4384860.0
>>>> s=4370635.0 e=657470.0 w=639510.0 res=5.0', 'r.reclass
>>>> input=rast_5fbc22df0abd18
>>>> rules="C:/Users/AZZURRAHYDRO/AppData/Roaming/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/project_templates/processing_880301be01084a079edf4a3379b133ea\\5fbc22df0bb669"
>>>> output=output919ef43aa43442ca92efb3893e3b9c33 --overwrite'] *
>>>> When I tried to reclassify using an external .txt ( file containing
>>>> the rules it gives the same message..):
>>>> *2020-11-23T22:04:05     INFO    processInputs end. Commands: ['g.proj
>>>> -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"', 'r.external
>>>> input="D:\\ROMATRE_CompleteJune2019\\CORSI\\corsoGIS202021\\CORSO_LM\\CORSO_R3_LabGIS_TEORIA_PRATICA\\PRATICA\\ESERCITAZIONE_2franaRiskROSSANO\\Elaborazioni\\slope\\slope5_int32.tif"
>>>> band=1 output="rast_5fbc23c5b84f411" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4384860.0
>>>> s=4370635.0 e=657470.0 w=639510.0 res=5.0']*
>>>> *2020-11-23T22:04:05     INFO    processCommands end. Commands:
>>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=33 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"',
>>>> 'r.external
>>>> input="D:\\ROMATRE_CompleteJune2019\\CORSI\\corsoGIS202021\\CORSO_LM\\CORSO_R3_LabGIS_TEORIA_PRATICA\\PRATICA\\ESERCITAZIONE_2franaRiskROSSANO\\Elaborazioni\\slope\\slope5_int32.tif"
>>>> band=1 output="rast_5fbc23c5b84f411" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4384860.0
>>>> s=4370635.0 e=657470.0 w=639510.0 res=5.0', 'r.reclass
>>>> input=rast_5fbc23c5b84f411
>>>> rules="D:\\ROMATRE_CompleteJune2019\\CORSI\\corsoGIS202021\\CORSO_LM\\CORSO_R3_LabGIS_TEORIA_PRATICA\\PRATICA\\ESERCITAZIONE_2franaRiskROSSANO\\Elaborazioni\\SUSC\\INDslope_ROTsub.txt"
>>>> output=outputc10364340554433aa78a4eda2a6bc0fb --overwrite']*
>>>> Do you have any idea?
>>> Why do you think this is an error?  It says "INFO", not "ERROR".
>>> --
>>> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
>>> C'est ma façon de parler.
> --
> Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com
> C'est ma façon de parler.

Lecturer GIS University "Roma Tre"
Consultant Environmental Risk Prevention and Hydrogeology
Italy Mobile Tel.: **(39) 338 24 40 676
SKYPE azzurrahydro

*azzurralentini at gmail.com <azzurralentini at gmail.com>*

*azzurra.lentini at uniroma3.it <azzurra.lentini at uniroma3.it> *
*Par respect pour l'environnement,*

*n'imprimez ce mail qu'en cas d'absolue nécessité*
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