[Qgis-user] Qgis Server proxy settings

SkynetSau simone.didomenico at sautechgroup.com
Thu Sep 3 00:22:45 PDT 2020


I've troubles using a WMS service through Qgis Server.

Internet traffic is behind proxy.
The same WMS service works correctly queried from Qgis Desktop Application
on a twin VM (same Virtual Enviroenment and subnet) only with system proxy
enabled option flagged.

The (Lizmap+Qgis Server) VM has System proxy Env Variables configured

How can I force fcgi Qgis Server to use system proxy configuration?
Thank You.

My Configuration:

O.S.:			Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Qgis Server:	3.10.8+28bionic LTS
web server:	nginix 1.14.0-0ubuntu1.7
fcgi mode:		spawn-fcgi
Web Client:	Lizmap ver. 3.3.9

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