[Qgis-user] Grass Processing Tools fail in QGIS LTR, PR & Nightly Builds on MacOS
Peter Petrik
peter.petrik at lutraconsulting.co.uk
Thu Sep 17 11:14:47 PDT 2020
3.14 and 3.10 use homebrew for deps, so it would not be easy for me to fix
at this point...
On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 8:09 PM Denis Vasiliev <denisksil at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder, whether Grass GIS shell not working on QGIS 3.14 will be fixed
> soon?
> On Thu, 17 Sep 2020, 20:59 Peter Petrik, <
> peter.petrik at lutraconsulting.co.uk> wrote:
>> Better to thank QGIS sponsors and donors since this was fixed as part of
>> the QGIS grant and bug fixing program.
>> P.
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 7:45 PM Mr. Stace D Maples <
>> stacemaples at stanford.edu> wrote:
>>> Confirmed GRASS fixed in the nightly! Thanks Lutra and Peter Petrik!
>>> In F,L&T,
>>> Stace Maples
>>> Geospatial Manager
>>> Stanford Geospatial Center
>>> @mapninja
>>> G+, Skype, Hangout: stacey.maples
>>> 214.641.0920
>>> Wednesdays 3-5pm on http://KZSULive.stanford.edu
>>> Find GeoData: https://earthworks.stanford.edu
>>> Get GeoHelp: https://gis.stanford.edu/
>>> stanfordgis Listserv:
>>> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/stanfordgis
>>> "I have a map of the United States... actual size.
>>> It says, "Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile."
>>> I spent last summer folding it."
>>> -Steven Wright-
>>> *From: *Qgis-user <qgis-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of "Mr.
>>> Stace D Maples" <stacemaples at stanford.edu>
>>> *Date: *Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 4:05 PM
>>> *To: *qgis-user <qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org>
>>> *Subject: *[Qgis-user] Grass Processing Tools fail in QGIS LTR, PR &
>>> Nightly Builds on MacOS
>>> Anyone have any luck getting grass tools to work on MacOS? This problem
>>> never seems to go away. Any ideas area appreciated. I’ve got 75 students in
>>> a Fundamentals course starting to work on their assignments, next week, and
>>> no one can get QGIS to work properly. Windows users are having issues, too,
>>> but I haven’t even gotten to them, yet. Here’s my write-up from the last 3
>>> hours of deleting profiles and reinstalling 3 versions on Catalina 10.15.6:
>>> From: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/32511
>>> I seem to be having the same issue, an issue I've seen many times in the
>>> past. My routine for testing a new installation of QGIS is to add the
>>> QuickMapPlugin, Create random points and then use v.voronoi on those points
>>> to test the historically finicky GRASS processing tools.
>>> 1. Deleted user profile for all QGIS users and uninstalled previous
>>> apps
>>> 2. Download Latest Release: qgis-macos-pr.dmg and install
>>> 3. Open QGIS with new empty doc
>>> *FYI, I don't think the next 2 steps have anything to do with the
>>> issue, but adding them full acccounting:*
>>> 4. Install QuickMapServices Plugin, add contrib services
>>> 5. Add Stamen Toner Lite
>>> 6. Run "Random points in extent" from Processing Panel
>>> a. Use Canvas Extent
>>> b. 10 Points
>>> c. Target CRS: 3857 (also tried outputing to 4326, same results)
>>> d. [Create temporary layer]
>>> 7. Runs fine, produces expected random points
>>> 8. Run v.voronoi tool on resulting random points
>>> a. Use Map Canvas Extent
>>> b. All else=default
>>> c. Save to temp
>>> 9. Fails with the error, below
>>> 10. ReRun with option to save random points to point.shp produces
>>> the same error.
>>> 11. Identical results for 40+ students,using LTR
>>> 12. Repeat exact steps with fresh LTR, including deleting the User
>>> Profile
>>> 13. same results, exactly.
>>> 14. Nightly Build doesn't load the GRASS Provider, at all.
>>> *Log WIndow:*
>>> `QGIS version: 3.14.16-Pi
>>> QGIS code revision: a235a14
>>> <https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/a235a149f0864a22dc99fed5f6267e2b586b8e57>
>>> Qt version: 5.12.3
>>> GDAL version: 2.4.1
>>> GEOS version: 3.7.2-CAPI-1.11.2 b55d2125
>>> PROJ version: Rel. 5.2.0, September 15th, 2018
>>> Processing algorithm…
>>> Algorithm 'v.voronoi' starting…
>>> Input parameters:
>>> { '-l' : False, '-t' : False, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER' : 0.0001,
>>> '-13670428.191800000,-13586035.687300000,4532539.747800000,4571278.579000000
>>> '', 'GRASS_VECTOR_EXPORT_NOCAT' : False, 'GRASS_VECTOR_LCO' : '', 'input' :
>>> '/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp|layername=points', 'output' :
>>> g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
>>> +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=*@null*
>>> <https://github.com/null> +wktext +no_defs"
>>> v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627ae75a6d96" --overwrite -o
>>> g.region n=4571278.579 s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918
>>> v.voronoi input=vector_5f627ae75a6d96
>>> output=output0fc09ffb9e94472baedcf2a353550eca --overwrite
>>> v.out.ogr type="auto" input="output0fc09ffb9e94472baedcf2a353550eca"
>>> output="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/a0d0a2d2844c493babe4c52273dc5a59/output.gpkg"
>>> format="GPKG" --overwrite
>>> Starting GRASS GIS...
>>> Executing
>>> </private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh>
>>> ...
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv
>>> Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> Expected in:
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
>>> in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh:
>>> line 2: 3039 Abort trap: 6 g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=
>>> *@null* <https://github.com/null> +wktext +no_defs"
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv
>>> Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> Expected in:
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
>>> in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh:
>>> line 3: 3040 Abort trap: 6 v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627ae75a6d96" --overwrite -o
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv
>>> Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> Expected in:
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
>>> in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh:
>>> line 4: 3041 Abort trap: 6 g.region n=4571278.579 s=4532539.7478
>>> e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv
>>> Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> Expected in:
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
>>> in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh:
>>> line 5: 3042 Abort trap: 6 v.voronoi input=vector_5f627ae75a6d96
>>> output=output0fc09ffb9e94472baedcf2a353550eca --overwrite
>>> dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv
>>> Referenced from: /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> Expected in:
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
>>> in /usr/lib/libarchive.2.dylib
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh:
>>> line 6: 3043 Abort trap: 6 v.out.ogr type="auto"
>>> input="output0fc09ffb9e94472baedcf2a353550eca"
>>> output="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/a0d0a2d2844c493babe4c52273dc5a59/output.gpkg"
>>> format="GPKG" --overwrite
>>> Execution of
>>> </private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/grass_batch_job.sh>
>>> finished.
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> File
>>> "/Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/bin/_grass76", line
>>> 2207, in
>>> main()
>>> File
>>> "/Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/bin/_grass76", line
>>> 2155, in main
>>> clean_all()
>>> File
>>> "/Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/bin/_grass76", line
>>> 1789, in clean_all
>>> gsetup.clean_default_db()
>>> File
>>> "/Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/etc/python/grass/script/setup.py",
>>> line 220, in clean_default_db
>>> conn = gdb.db_connection()
>>> File
>>> "/Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/etc/python/grass/script/db.py",
>>> line 108, in db_connection
>>> nuldev = file(os.devnull, 'w')
>>> NameError: name 'file' is not defined
>>> /Applications/QGIS3.14.app/Contents/Resources/grass7/grass76.sh: line
>>> 20:
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/grassdata/temp_location/PERMANENT:
>>> is a directory
>>> Execution completed in 1.06 seconds
>>> Results:
>>> {'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':TEMPORARY_OUTPUT,
>>> 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}
>>> Loading resulting layers
>>> The following layers were not correctly generated.
>>> •
>>> /private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/a0d0a2d2844c493babe4c52273dc5a59/output.gpkg
>>> You can check the 'Log Messages Panel' in QGIS main window to find more
>>> information about the execution of the algorithm.`
>>> Grass7 Messages:
>>> 2020-09-16T13:36:32 INFO processInputs end. Commands: ['g.proj -c
>>> proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
>>> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr
>>> min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/08af800894524bfab7d0246fa9cfa686/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f627750a89682" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13603929.6588 w=-13652534.2203'] 2020-09-16T13:36:32 INFO
>>> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
>>> +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/08af800894524bfab7d0246fa9cfa686/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f627750a89682" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13603929.6588 w=-13652534.2203', 'v.voronoi
>>> input=vector_5f627750a89682 output=output0a0d63c243fe4fe7ba108fc071fb92e3
>>> --overwrite'] 2020-09-16T13:37:14 INFO processInputs end. Commands:
>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
>>> +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"',
>>> 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/3e6d8b4161c148319a28b77258238e5f/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f62777a579b03" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13603929.6588 w=-13652534.2203'] 2020-09-16T13:37:14 INFO
>>> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
>>> +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/3e6d8b4161c148319a28b77258238e5f/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f62777a579b03" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13603929.6588 w=-13652534.2203', 'v.voronoi
>>> input=vector_5f62777a579b03 output=outpute794dfeeeea144df98a90b7a07128ca0
>>> --overwrite'] 2020-09-16T13:38:55 INFO processInputs end. Commands:
>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
>>> +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"',
>>> 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/2c92d7fff8934dc0b3e37199fe83a09c/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f6277dfbe5304" --overwrite -o', 'g.region
>>> n=4570531.891981606 s=4534907.978609399 e=-13613607.067557963
>>> w=-13651848.786443522'] 2020-09-16T13:38:55 INFO processCommands end.
>>> Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0
>>> +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext
>>> +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/2c92d7fff8934dc0b3e37199fe83a09c/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f6277dfbe5304" --overwrite -o', 'g.region
>>> n=4570531.891981606 s=4534907.978609399 e=-13613607.067557963
>>> w=-13651848.786443522', 'v.voronoi input=vector_5f6277dfbe5304
>>> output=output9a09588a79b54d9ea768c6f2b689c702 --overwrite']
>>> 2020-09-16T13:39:58 INFO processInputs end. Commands: ['g.proj -c
>>> proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
>>> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr
>>> min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/5b575cc50fc849a1bb97003b5f78f42b/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f62781edb4255" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918'] 2020-09-16T13:39:58 INFO
>>> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
>>> +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/private/var/folders/f3/0prmkq7962795yfpwsmvh2100000gq/T/processing_xxaYqK/5b575cc50fc849a1bb97003b5f78f42b/input.shp"
>>> output="vector_5f62781edb4255" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918', 'v.voronoi
>>> input=vector_5f62781edb4255 output=output03206a43e4b742dbbfd883da361be4bc
>>> --overwrite'] 2020-09-16T13:51:51 INFO processInputs end. Commands:
>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
>>> +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"',
>>> 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627ae75a6d96" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918'] 2020-09-16T13:51:51 INFO
>>> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
>>> +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627ae75a6d96" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918', 'v.voronoi
>>> input=vector_5f627ae75a6d96 output=output0fc09ffb9e94472baedcf2a353550eca
>>> --overwrite'] 2020-09-16T13:53:25 INFO processInputs end. Commands:
>>> ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
>>> +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"',
>>> 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627b452c9c37" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918'] 2020-09-16T13:53:25 INFO
>>> processCommands end. Commands: ['g.proj -c proj4="+proj=merc +a=6378137
>>> +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
>>> +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs"', 'v.in.ogr min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0
>>> input="/Users/maples/Downloads/points.shp" layer="points"
>>> output="vector_5f627b452c9c37" --overwrite -o', 'g.region n=4571278.579
>>> s=4532539.7478 e=-13586035.6873 w=-13670428.1918', 'v.voronoi
>>> input=vector_5f627b452c9c37 output=outpute37f6908fba34e188ad9ccedb42a9b3a
>>> --overwrite']
>>> In F,L&T,
>>> Stace Maples
>>> Geospatial Manager
>>> Stanford Geospatial Center
>>> @mapninja
>>> G+, Skype, Hangout: stacey.maples
>>> 214.641.0920
>>> Wednesdays 3-5pm on http://KZSULive.stanford.edu
>>> Find GeoData: https://earthworks.stanford.edu
>>> Get GeoHelp: https://gis.stanford.edu/
>>> stanfordgis Listserv:
>>> https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/stanfordgis
>>> "I have a map of the United States... actual size.
>>> It says, "Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile."
>>> I spent last summer folding it."
>>> -Steven Wright-
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Qgis-user mailing list
>>> Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>>> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
>>> Unsubscribe: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
>> _______________________________________________
>> Qgis-user mailing list
>> Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-user
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