[Qgis-user] QGIS read-only user

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 01:23:55 PDT 2021

As Jorge says,

If the database table permissions are well configured, the user can't even
click the edit button on QGIS.

Can you share one table SQL information? For example from pgadmin.

Alexandre Neto

A terça, 27/04/2021, 08:47, Jorge Gustavo Rocha <jgr at geomaster.pt> escreveu:

> Hi Raffaele,
> Which database are you using? PostgreSQL?
> The database provider does not allow modifications, if the user does not
> have permissions.
> Can you confirm that the database changes even if the user does not have
> permission to write?
> Regards,
> Jorge Gustavo
> On 27/04/21 08:40, Raffaele Ceretto wrote:
> Good morning,
> I created 2 users on my database.
> one admin and one read-only.
> The read-only one still allows me to edit and delete.
> I get the message "this user does not have the permissions, contact the
> administrator of the database", but does the modification anyway.
> I have tried closing qgis and recreating the connections several times but
> nothing changes.
> It appears to be bypassing the permissions
> Could you help me?
> With best regards
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