[Qgis-user] Need help with changing CRS

Brian Gilhuly brianlgilhuly at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 18:45:32 PDT 2021

I need a world map on which to display country web statistics and, being in
Canada, want to avoid projections like Mercator with their northern
distortions. Something like Mollweide or Robinson is more what I am seeking.


I downloaded the Natural Earth administrative borders map (WGS84) and opened
it in QGIS 3.20 as the only layer in a new project. So far, so good.


Then I changed the CRS (layer and project) to Mollweide (ESRI:54009) and the
on-screen render changed hardly at all. It didn't remain unchanged, but it
still looks very much more like WGS84 than Mollweide. The same happens if I
try to re-project to Robinson (ESRI:54030) or Winkel-Tripel (ESRI:54042).


So far as I can tell, I have followed all the steps outlined in the online
manual but there must be something obvious that I am missing.


Can someone set me straight?



Brian Gilhuly

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