[Qgis-user] Themes, visibility, layout, report, atlas and Layer ID vs Layer name

Charles Dixon-Paver charles at kartoza.com
Thu Aug 19 12:34:40 PDT 2021

Maybe a better discussion to be having is "can we make it possible to
manually edit layer ids", but i think that will probably be dependant on
the existing QEPs like

On Thu, 19 Aug 2021 at 21:29, Jésahel Benoist <djes1975 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Le jeu. 19 août 2021 à 20:23, Charles Dixon-Paver <charles at kartoza.com> a
> écrit :
>> I would imagine there are just far too many projects and use cases where
>> the same layer name is used for multiple layers.
> Yes, certainly. But the random id is a bad solution. I think the id should
> be created sequentially and could be modified by the user.
> Saving and loading themes etc is a feature request I imagine.
> Yes :)
> Copying styles between layers is supported (and you can save style and
>> layer definitions).
> Yes, a good tip is to assignate keys to copy/paste style.
> I imagine most issues can be resolved by just using an expression based id
>> wherever possible, with something like this:
>> QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('World Map')[0].id()
> Sure
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