[Qgis-user] Themes, visibility, layout, report, atlas and Layer ID vs Layer name

Jésahel Benoist djes1975 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 12:50:04 PDT 2021

Le jeu. 19 août 2021 à 21:25, Sebastian Gutwein <bas at rdgland.com> a écrit :

> Jesahel,
> This may be something you already do and I don't know if this would save
> you any time but I often set up project variables in situations where I am
> using a layer across many expressions or layouts.
> Project>Properties>Variables
> For example when I am referencing a DEM in expression over and over I
> create a variable DEM and set to to the layer ID e.g.
> 'DEM_d44338fa_1bf5_4ea6_b58e_7489ea8b28a8' and then in my expression
> reference @DEM in my expressions. While it is still a little annoying to
> have to change the variable when I change the DEM I only have to change it
> in one place.
> -Bas
Thank you Sebastian, it's a good solution for some purposes like
expressions. I'll try to use it more.

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